
Краш-тест Mitsubishi Galant

Краш-тест Mitsubishi Galant

Краш-тест Mitsubishi Galant Mitsubishi Galant
Модельный год: 1995
Год проведения теста: 1995
Организация, проводившая тест: IIHS (США)

Общий рейтинг:
Лобовой удар со смещением:

=Хороший =Приемлемый =Посредственный =Слабый

Mitsubishi Galant ES

Вес: 2,912 lbs.
Двигатель: 2.4 L 4-cylinder

» ABS (optional)

Structure/safety cage Injury measures Restraints/dummy kinematics
Head/neck Chest Leg/foot, left Leg/foot, right

Severe distortion of the occupant compartment is evident after the offset test, as is the shortening of the driver door width openingAs in every crash, deformation was greater during the crash than is evident from a photo taken after the impact. The A-pillar was driven backward toward the dummy's head
    The Mitsubishi Galant was redesigned for the 1994 model year.

Restraints/dummy kinematics

    Dummy movement wasn't well controlled. The dummy rotated around the left side of the airbag. Its left shoulder hit a sharp edge of the buckling window frame, which could cause lacerations, and its head hit the window frame. The left knee pushed through the instrument panel and hit the steering column's attachment hardware, producing a gash in the dummy's vinyl "skin" at its knee.

Injury measures

    Measures taken from the head, neck, and chest indicate low risk of injuries to these body regions in a crash of this severity. Forces on the left tibia indicate that injuries to the lower leg would be likely. Forces on the right tibia indicate that injuries to the lower leg would be possible. Head acceleration from the window frame hit was low.
